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Our General Terms and Conditions

1. Delivery and service conditions of

CNC tool trade

Erdogan Vatansever

Poggendody Weg 2c

24149 Kiel

Tel: 0431-72998730

Fax: 0431-72998731

Mail: info@cnc-werkzeughandel.de

This address is also the cargo address and responsible for complaints.

2. The scope

Our general terms and conditions apply exclusively to our deliveries and services. They apply to both entrepreneurs and consumers, unless an explicit differentiation has been made in one provision. Contradicting or deviating from our terms and conditions require our express written consent to be valid. Individual agreements with consumers have priority.

3. Conclusion of contract

Contracts in electronic business transactions are only concluded with customers and the shipping location within the Federal Republic of Germany and in German.

4. Prices and shipping costs

All prices are inclusive of VAT.

Shipping costs apply for all products. The amount of the shipping costs is next to the pictures of the articles and the prices, as well as under the article description.

5. Terms of payment

The goods remain our property until our claims have been paid in full.

We generally only deliver (at the customer's choice) against prepayment, cash on delivery or known customers also on account

6. Right of withdrawal

You can revoke your contractual declaration within one month without giving reasons in text form (e.g. letter, fax, email) or by returning the item. The period begins at the earliest with the receipt of this instruction and the receipt of the goods by you. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient to send the cancellation or the item in good time. The revocation must be sent to:

CNC tools

Erdogan Vatansever

Poggendody Weg 2c

24149 Kiel

Email: vatansever@cnc-werkzeughandel.de

Consequences of withdrawal:

In the event of an effective cancellation, the services received on both sides must be returned and any benefits (e.g. interest) drawn up must be surrendered. If you are unable to return the performance received, in whole or in part, or only in a deteriorated condition, you may have to compensate us accordingly. This does not apply to the surrender of goods if the deterioration of the goods is solely due to their inspection - as you would have been able to do in a shop. You can also avoid the obligation to pay compensation by not using the item as an owner and by refraining from anything that affects its value. Transportable items are to be sent back. Items that cannot be sent as parcels will be picked up from you. You have to bear the costs of the return if the delivered goods correspond to the ordered ones and if the price of the item to be returned does not exceed an amount of 40 euros or if you have not received the consideration or a contract for a higher price of the item at the time of the revocation have made the agreed partial payment. Otherwise, the return is free of charge for you (only applies to Germany) and is carried out by our pick-up order from a parcel service or shipping company. You must fulfill obligations to reimburse payments within 30 days of sending your cancellation notice.

End of revocation

7. The delivery

Delivery is only within Germany.

The goods you have ordered will be sent to you as quickly as possible by parcel service or forwarding agent.

If an article is out of stock, we will of course inform you. In principle, there is an obligation to deliver the ordered article only while stocks last, i.e. the ordered article is available in our warehouse. If delivery is not possible or is only possible at a later time, you will of course be informed by us.

8. Warranty

We kindly ask you to inform us about complaints and transport damage reports as soon as possible. Legal regulations apply. The buyer initially has the right to subsequent performance (rectification). If this fails, you have the right to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the purchase price, as well as to claim damages or reimbursement of futile expenses in accordance with § 437 BGB, if you have the legal requirements.

Returns must be agreed in advance by phone, fax or email.

9. Data protection

We also process your personal data in connection with your order. We commit ourselves to treat the data given to us confidentially and not to pass them on to third parties. Personal customer data is collected, processed and used for order and contract processing. Sie werden nicht an unbefugte Dritte weitergereicht. 

Soweit wir darüber hinaus Daten erheben, speichern und nutzen, kann der Kunde dem jederzeit mündlich oder in Textform (Brief, Fax, E-Mail) widersprechen. Der Kunde hat das Recht, jederzeit mündlich oder in Textform Auskunft über von ihm gespeicherten Daten zu verlangen. Nicht mehr benötigte Daten, werden gelöscht. 

10. Haftung für Schäden 

Unsere Haftung für vertragliche Pflichtverletzungen sowie aus Delikt ist auf Vorsatz und grobe Fahrlässigkeit beschränkt. Dies gilt nicht bei Verletzung von Leben, Körper und Gesundheit, Ansprüche wegen der Verletzung von Kardinalpflichten und Ersatz von Verzugsschäden (§ 286 BGB). Insoweit haften wir für jeden Grad des Verschuldens. Die Haftung im Falle der Verletzung von Kardinalpflichten wird auf den regelmäßig vorhersehbaren Schaden begrenzt. 

11. Sonstiges 

Handelt es sich bei dem Käufer nicht um einen Verbraucher, ist Erfüllungsort und Zahlungsort sowie Gerichtsstand unser Geschäftssitz. 

Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieses Vertrages unwirksam sein, bleibt die Gültigkeit des Vertrages im Übrigen davon unberührt. Anstelle der unwirksamen Klauseln gilt diejenige Bestimmung als unter den Parteien vereinbart, die dem in rechtlich zulässiger Weise wirtschaftlich am nächsten kommt, was die Parteien mit der unwirksamen Vereinbarung bezweckt haben. 

 Ende der AGB's